Package rst.geometry

Not documented


Message PointCloud2DInt

class rst.geometry.PointCloud2DInt

A collection of points in 2D space.

Code author: Jan Moringen <>

Type :array of rst.math.Vec2DInt

The points.

Duplicate entries should be avoided. Order of entries is not significant.

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message PointCloud2DInt {

     * The points.
     * Duplicate entries should be avoided.
     * Order of entries is not significant.
    repeated math.Vec2DInt points = 1;


Message Shape3DFloat

class rst.geometry.Shape3DFloat

Description of a 3D shape as a union of geometric primitives.

New primitive types can be added to this type.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Code author: Jan Moringen <>

Type :array of rst.geometry.BoundingBox3DFloat

Set of oriented bounding boxes contributing to the described 3D shape.

The order of bounding boxes is not significant.

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message Shape3DFloat {

     * Set of oriented bounding boxes contributing to the described 3D
     * shape.
     * The order of bounding boxes is not significant.
    repeated geometry.BoundingBox3DFloat box = 1;


Message CameraPose

class rst.geometry.CameraPose

Pose of a camera with semantic annotation of the axes.

The pure transformation of the camera’s pose (in terms of coordinate systems) does not provide information about the viewing direction. There must be a convention about the semantic meaning of the transformation in order to convey the information about where the camera actually looks. coordinate_frame realizes this convention by describing the three axes of the camera’s coordinate system semantically including viewing direction and up direction.

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :rst.geometry.CameraPose.CoordinateFrame

Annotation of the axes.

Type :rst.geometry.Pose

The pose of the camera’s coordinate system in 3d space relative to a given parent coordinate system.

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message CameraPose {

     * Semantic annotation of the axes. (all right-handed)
    enum CoordinateFrame {

         * X: right - Y: down - Z: forward (depth axis)

         * X: up - Y: right - Z: forward (depth axis)
        CAMERA_X_UP_FRAME = 1;

         * X: left - Y: up - Z: forward (depth axis)
        CAMERA_Y_UP_FRAME = 2;

         * X: forward (depth axis) - Y: left - Z: up
        LASER_FRAME = 3;

         * X: right - Y: up - Z: towards viewer (negative depth axis)
        SCREEN_FRAME = 4;


     * Annotation of the axes.
    optional CoordinateFrame coordinate_frame = 1 [default = CAMERA_IMAGE_FRAME];

     * The pose of the camera's coordinate system in 3d space relative
     * to a given parent coordinate system.
    required geometry.Pose pose = 2;


Message CoordinateFrame

class rst.geometry.CameraPose.CoordinateFrame

Semantic annotation of the axes. (all right-handed)

= 0

X: right - Y: down - Z: forward (depth axis)

= 1

X: up - Y: right - Z: forward (depth axis)

= 2

X: left - Y: up - Z: forward (depth axis)

= 3

X: forward (depth axis) - Y: left - Z: up

= 4

X: right - Y: up - Z: towards viewer (negative depth axis)

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    enum CoordinateFrame {

         * X: right - Y: down - Z: forward (depth axis)

         * X: up - Y: right - Z: forward (depth axis)
        CAMERA_X_UP_FRAME = 1;

         * X: left - Y: up - Z: forward (depth axis)
        CAMERA_Y_UP_FRAME = 2;

         * X: forward (depth axis) - Y: left - Z: up
        LASER_FRAME = 3;

         * X: right - Y: up - Z: towards viewer (negative depth axis)
        SCREEN_FRAME = 4;


Message ViewFrustum

class rst.geometry.ViewFrustum

Constraint: .maximal_distance > .minimal_distance

A camera’s view frustum.

Adds information about the maximal and minimal perceivable distance (minimal_distance, maximal_distance) of a sensor to the definition of its field of view (fov).

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :rst.geometry.FieldOfView

The field of view of the frustum.

Type :FLOAT32

Constraint: value > 0

Unit: meter

The minimal perceivable distance.

Type :FLOAT32

Constraint: value > 0

Unit: meter

The maximal perceivable distance.

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message ViewFrustum {

     * The field of view of the frustum.
    required FieldOfView fov = 1;

     * The minimal perceivable distance.
    // @constraint(value > 0)
    // @unit(meter)
    optional float minimal_distance = 2 [default = 0];

     * The maximal perceivable distance.
    // @constraint(value > 0)
    // @unit(meter)
    optional float maximal_distance = 3 [default = 99999];


Message FieldOfView

class rst.geometry.FieldOfView

The field of view of a sensor.

The sensor’s FOV is defined as the angular extent of a scene that is imaged by a visual sensor. The outermost observable ray that falls in a sensor’s FOV has the angular distance +/- AOV/2.0 from the optical axis in the respective extent (vertical/horizontal). The angles are given in radian.

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :FLOAT32

Constraint: value > 0

Unit: radian

An angle defining the horizontal bounds of the FOV.

Type :FLOAT32

Constraint: value > 0

Unit: radian

An angle defining the vertical bounds of the FOV.

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message FieldOfView {

     * An angle defining the horizontal bounds of the FOV.
    // @constraint(value > 0)
    // @unit(radian)
    required float horizontal_aov = 1;

     * An angle defining the vertical bounds of the FOV.
    // @constraint(value > 0)
    // @unit(radian)
    required float vertical_aov = 2;


Message BoundingBox

class rst.geometry.BoundingBox

Constraint: .top_left.x < .image_width

Constraint: .top_left.x + .width <= .image_width

Constraint: .top_left.y < .image_height

Constraint: .top_left.y + .height <= .image_height

A bounding box, which is associated to a raster image.

(0,0)           Image
+----------------------------------+ ^
|                                  |
|    top_left                    |
|    +---------------+ ^           |
|    |               |             |
|    |               | height    | image_height
|    |               |             |
|    +---------------+ v           |
|    <    width     >            |
|                                  |
+----------------------------------+ v
<         image_width            >

All values are in pixels and refer to the associated image.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Type :rst.math.Vec2DInt

Unit: pixel

Coordinates of the top left corner.

Type :UINT32

Unit: pixel

Width of the bounding box.

Type :UINT32

Unit: pixel

Height of the bounding box.

Type :UINT32

Unit: pixel

Width of the image the bounding box is based on.

Type :UINT32

Unit: pixel

Height of the image the bounding box is based on.

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message BoundingBox {

     * Coordinates of the top left corner.
    // @unit(pixel)
    required math.Vec2DInt top_left = 1;

     * Width of the bounding box.
    // @unit(pixel)
    required uint32 width = 2;

     * Height of the bounding box.
    // @unit(pixel)
    required uint32 height = 3;

     * Width of the image the bounding box is based on.
    // @unit(pixel)
    optional uint32 image_width = 4;

     * Height of the image the bounding box is based on.
    // @unit(pixel)
    optional uint32 image_height = 5;


Message BoundingBox3DFloat

class rst.geometry.BoundingBox3DFloat

Bounding-box in 3D in general position and orientation.

The general bounding-box with dimensions width x depth x height is constructed by translating and rotating (via transformation) an axis-aligned bounding-box around its center of mass.

For an axis-aligned version, see AxisAlignedBoundingBox3DFloat.

Code author: Christian Emmerich <>

Code author: Jan Moringen <>

Type :rst.geometry.Pose

Transformation, consisting of translation and orientation, of the center of mass of the bounding-box.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The width (along the X axis) of the box.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The depth (along the Y axis) of the box.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The height (along the Z axis) of the box.

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message BoundingBox3DFloat {

     * Transformation, consisting of translation and orientation, of
     * the center of mass of the bounding-box.
    required geometry.Pose transformation = 1;

     * The width (along the X axis) of the box.
    // @unit(meter)
    required float width = 2;

     * The depth (along the Y axis) of the box.
    // @unit(meter)
    required float depth = 3;

     * The height (along the Z axis) of the box.
    // @unit(meter)
    required float height = 4;


Message AxisAlignedBoundingBox3DFloat

class rst.geometry.AxisAlignedBoundingBox3DFloat

An axis-aligned bounding-box in 3D.

The bounding-box is constructed by spanning at left_front_bottom a rectangular volume of lengths width x depth x height along the positive directions of the X, Y and Z axis respectively.

^ Z
|            +----------------------+ ^
|           /                      /|
|          /                      / |
|         /                      /  | height
|        +----------------------+   |
|        |                      |   |
|        |                      |   + v
|     Y  |                      |  / ^
|     ^  |                      | / depth
|    /   |                      |/
|   /    +----------------------+ v
|  /     left_front_bottom
| /      <     width      >
+-----------------------------> X

For a bouding-box in general orientation (i.e. not axis-aligned) see BoundingBox3DFloat.

Code author: Christian Emmerich <>

Code author: Jan Moringen <>

Type :rst.geometry.Translation

Coordinates of the bottom left front corner.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The width (along the X axis) of the box.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The depth (along the Y axis) of the box.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The height (along the Z axis) of the box.

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message AxisAlignedBoundingBox3DFloat {

     * Coordinates of the bottom left front corner.
    required geometry.Translation left_front_bottom = 1;

     * The width (along the X axis) of the box.
    // @unit(meter)
    required float width = 2;

     * The depth (along the Y axis) of the box.
    // @unit(meter)
    required float depth = 3;

     * The height (along the Z axis) of the box.
    // @unit(meter)
    required float height = 4;


Message Pose

class rst.geometry.Pose

Pose data (camera, robot, ...).


extend explanation

Code author: Arne Nordmann <>

Type :rst.geometry.Translation


Type :rst.geometry.Rotation


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message Pose {

     * TODO
    required Translation translation = 1;

     * TODO
    required Rotation rotation = 2;


Message Rotation

class rst.geometry.Rotation

Cartesian 3-dimensional rotatory displacement or orientation.

The displacement or orientation (orientation being a rotation from an origin) is in world coordinates and expressed as unit quaternion (all-zero quaternion denotes an invalid orientation/rotation).

Code author: Arne Nordmann <>

Type :FLOAT64


Type :FLOAT64


Type :FLOAT64


Type :FLOAT64


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message Rotation {

     * TODO
    required double qw = 4;

     * TODO
    required double qx = 5;

     * TODO
    required double qy = 6;

     * TODO
    required double qz = 7;


Message Translation

class rst.geometry.Translation

Cartesian 3-dimensional translatory displacement or position.

The displacement or position (position being translation from an origin) is expressed in world coordinates.

Code author: Arne Nordmann <>

Type :FLOAT64

Unit: meter

Cartesian displacement along the x axis

Type :FLOAT64

Unit: meter

Cartesian displacement along the y axis

Type :FLOAT64

Unit: meter

Cartesian displacement along the z axis

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message Translation {

     * Cartesian displacement along the x axis
    // @unit(meter)
    required double x = 1;

     * Cartesian displacement along the y axis
    // @unit(meter)
    required double y = 2;

     * Cartesian displacement along the z axis
    // @unit(meter)
    required double z = 3;


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