Joint AnglesΒΆ

Joint Angle is a domain-specific Data Transfer Object (DTO) to hold and exchange joint angles (often also referred to as joint position).

It can be multi-dimensional to contain several joint angles, for example of an entire robot limb. Its default representation is rad, but it also provides getters and setters for representation in deg.

An example how to create a joint angle representation from a rad value is and access it later in degrees:

// Creating and accessing a single value
rci::JointAnglesPtr angle = rci::JointAngles::fromRad(0.123);
std::cout << angle->deg() << std::endl;

// Creating and accessing a joint angles vector
nemo::RealVector degs = nemo::RealVector(nemo::dim(4), 10.0);
rci::JointAnglesPtr angles = rci::JointAngles::fromDeg(degs);
std::cout << angles->radVector() << std::endl;


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