.. _jointangles: ============== Joint Angles ============== ``Joint Angle`` is a domain-specific :ref:`Data Transfer Object ` (DTO) to hold and exchange joint angles (often also referred to as *joint position*). It can be multi-dimensional to contain several joint angles, for example of an entire robot limb. Its default representation is ``rad``, but it also provides getters and setters for representation in ``deg``. An example how to create a joint angle representation from a rad value is and access it later in degrees: .. code-block:: c++ // Creating and accessing a single value rci::JointAnglesPtr angle = rci::JointAngles::fromRad(0.123); ... std::cout << angle->deg() << std::endl; // Creating and accessing a joint angles vector nemo::RealVector degs = nemo::RealVector(nemo::dim(4), 10.0); rci::JointAnglesPtr angles = rci::JointAngles::fromDeg(degs); ... std::cout << angles->radVector() << std::endl; .