.. _package-rst-kinematics: ======================== Package rst.kinematics ======================== Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of bodies (objects) and systems (groups of objects) without consideration of the forces that cause the motion. .. seealso:: Wikipedia article containing the definition above http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinematics Messages ======== .. container:: mess4ge-multi .. container:: mess4ge-graph .. digraph:: message_graph fontname="Arial"; fontsize=11; stylesheet="../_static/corlab.css"; node [fontsize=11] node [fontname="Arial"] edge [fontsize=11] edge [fontname="Arial"] "3" [label=<
>,shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="white"]; "1" [label=<
>,shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="white"]; "2" [label=<
>,shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="white"]; "1":position -> "2" []; .. container:: mess4ge-list .. container:: messages * :ref:`Posture3DFloat ` * :ref:`JointAngles ` .. container:: clearer clearer: should be made invisible via css .. _message-rst-kinematics-posture3dfloat: Message Posture3DFloat ---------------------- .. container:: message-rst-kinematics-posture3dfloat-multi .. container:: message-rst-kinematics-posture3dfloat-documentation .. py:class:: rst.kinematics.Posture3DFloat A set of positions forming a posture of an articulated thing. The kinematic structure, which in most cases is required for a useful interpretation, has to be transmitted through other channels. .. codeauthor:: Jan Moringen .. py:attribute:: position :type: array of :py:class:`rst.geometry.Translation` Sequence of joint positions in three-dimensional space. Interpretation depends on information transmitted trough other channels. The order of entries is significant since the interpretations of individual positions depends on their respective position within the sequence. .. container:: message-rst-kinematics-posture3dfloat-source :download:`Download this file ` .. literalinclude:: //home/jenkins/workspace/rst-manual-0.10-merge-simulator/rst-manual/../rst-proto/proto/stable/rst/kinematics/Posture3DFloat.proto :lines: 16-30 :language: protobuf :emphasize-lines: 13-13 .. _message-rst-kinematics-jointangles: Message JointAngles ------------------- .. container:: message-rst-kinematics-jointangles-multi .. container:: message-rst-kinematics-jointangles-documentation .. py:class:: rst.kinematics.JointAngles Joint angles of a set of multiple joints. .. codeauthor:: Arne Nordmann .. py:attribute:: angles :type: array of :py:class:`FLOAT32` **Unit**: radian Joint angles .. container:: message-rst-kinematics-jointangles-source :download:`Download this file ` .. literalinclude:: //home/jenkins/workspace/rst-manual-0.10-merge-simulator/rst-manual/../rst-proto/proto/stable/rst/kinematics/JointAngles.proto :lines: 10-18 :language: protobuf :emphasize-lines: 7-7