.. _converters-cpp: ==================== Converters for C++ ==================== Installation ============ #. Clone the ``rst-converters`` repository from |repository|.converters. #. Change into the ``cpp`` directory. #. Install the project using the provided CMake file. #. TODO provide more details here The result will be a shared library containing the :term:`converters ` which can be used by client projects. Usage in CMake-based C++ Projects ================================= In order to use the provided :term:`converters ` in CMake-based projects, first find the ``rst-converters`` library using the following code: .. code-block:: cmake find_package(rst-converters REQUIRED) include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${RST_CONVERTERS_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_definitions(${RST_CONVERTERS_CFLAGS}) Afterwards you can create a target in CMake and finally link it against the ``rst-converters`` library: .. code-block:: cmake add_executable(tester tester.cpp) target_link_libraries(tester ${RST_CONVERTERS_LIBRARIES}) In order to use the available :term:`converters ` in the client C++ code, the appropriate :term:`plugins ` have to be loaded. This can be done, for example, by adding a section like the following to the :file:`rsb.conf` :ref:`configuration ` file: .. code-block:: ini [plugins.cpp] load = rstrsbconvertersopencv