bag merge


bag merge [OPTIONS] -o OUTPUT INPUT1 [INPUT2 ...]


Copy events from log files INPUT1, INPUT2 etc. into a new log file OUTPUT.

See also

Common Commandline Options
The usual RSB-related commandline options are accepted.
IDL-related Commandline Options
The usual IDL-related commandline options are accepted.
Replay-related Options
The usual replay-related commandline options are accepted.
--output-file OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT

Write transformed events into file OUTPUT. The file format is determined based on the file type (which is determined based on the file extension) of OUTPUT.


The output of common --help-for all includes a list of supported file formats.

--index-timestamp NAME

Use the timestamp named NAME to index events in the created log file. The default is to keep the timestamp under which the event was stored in the source log file.

--channel-allocation SPEC, -a SPEC

When not supplied, recreate channels of the input log files. Otherwise, use the strategy designated by SPEC to create channels in the output log file. See bag record --channel-allocation for details.


  • $ bag merge -o bla.tide '/vol/my-separate-logs/**/*.tide'

    The above command merges all log files matching the glob expression /vol/my-separate-logs/**/*.tide into a single log file named bla.tide.