In this tutorial, we will build a simple, distributed chat system based on RSB.
The initial goal of the first part is having a chat client which sends and receives text messages to and from other clients without the need for a server. A session could look like this:
$ rsb-chat-client
> hi, anyone listening?
other-user: hi, i thought, i was the only one :)
> /quit
As an extension, in the second part the chat program should be able to send and receive avatar images to and from other chat clients.
The distributed chat system can be organized by assigning a scope or the form /chat/text/NICKNAME to each participating nickname. This allows receiving messages from a particular sender by listening on /chat/text/NICKNAME and receiving all messages by listening on the superscope /chat/text/.
Implementation-wise, sending and receiving textual chat messages, requires an informer and a listener on the respective appropriate scope:
Avatar images are exchanged between participants of the distributed chat via RSB‘s RPC mechanism. In order to implement this, each chat program