.. _call: ========== RPC Call ========== .. program:: call Synopsis ======== :samp:`call {[OPTIONS]} {SERVER-URI}/{METHOD}({[ARGUMENT]})` Description =========== Call :samp:`{METHOD}` of the |project| RPC server at :samp:`{SERVER-URI}` with argument :samp:`{ARGUMENT}` and print the result to standard output, if any. :samp:`{SERVER-URI}` designates the root :term:`scope` of the remote server and the :term:`transport` that should be used. .. tip:: For details regarding the URI syntax involved in :term:`transport` and :term:`channel` specifications, see :ref:`uri-schema`. :samp:`{ARGUMENT}` is treated as follows: * As string when surrounded with double-quotes (``"``) * As integer number when consisting of digits without decimal point * As float number when consisting of digits with decimal point * If :samp:`{ARGUMENT}` is the single character ``-``, the entire "contents" of standard input (until end of file) is read as a string and used as argument for the method call * If :samp:`{ARGUMENT}` is the empty string, i.e. the call specification is of the form :samp:`{SERVER-URI}/{METHOD}()`, the method is called without argument The :ref:`usual commandline options ` are accepted. Specialized commandline options: .. option:: --timeout SPEC, -t SPEC If the result of the method call does not arrive within the amount of time specified by :samp:`{SPEC}`, consider the call to have failed and exit with non-zero status. .. option:: --no-wait Do not wait for the result of the method call. Immediately return with zero status without printing a result to standard output. Examples ======== * .. code-block:: sh $ call 'spread:/mycomponent/control/status()' "running" # prints return value, if any $ call 'spread:/mycomponent/control/terminate()' $ # returns once the method call completes In the above example, the :program:`call` tool is used to invoke the ``status`` and ``terminate`` methods of the remote server at :term:`scope` ``/mycomponent/control`` without an argument. Implementations =============== ======================= ============= ====================================== =============== Implementation Language Project Repository Link Compiled Binary ======================= ============= ====================================== =============== Common Lisp cl-rsb-tools |repository_versioned|/cl/cl-rsb-tools Linux i686, Linux x86_64, MacOS x86_64 ======================= ============= ====================================== ===============