.. _specification-plugin: ========= Plugins ========= .. seealso:: :ref:`tutorial-plugins` Examples demonstrating how to write |project| :term:`plugins ` :term:`Plugins ` are loaded at initialization time * This means, registration of provided :term:`converters ` and :term:`connectors ` happens during initialization * This is required in order for |project| to be able inquire about capabilities and configuration of :term:`converters ` and :term:`connectors ` Selection and loading of :term:`plugins ` is configured using the usual configuration mechanism: for each implementation language of |project|, a language-specific section configures: * Means of locating :term:`plugins ` (e.g. dynamic linker searchpath for C++, classpath for Java, :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` for Python) * Names of the :term:`plugins ` that should be loaded .. _specification-plugin-cpp: C++ Plugins =========== In the C++ implementation of |project|, :term:`plugins ` are shared objects defining symbols #. :c:func:`rsc_plugin_init` #. :c:func:`rsc_plugin_shutdown` :term:`Plugins ` are configured via the configuration options ``plugins.cpp.path`` Colon-separated list of directories in which expanded (e.g. ``rsbspread`` -> :samp:`{DIRECTORY}/librsbspread.so` on Linux) plugin libraries will be searched. An empty entry (e.g. ``:dots``, ``dots::dots`` or ``dots:``) is replace with the value configured in the respectively more generic configuration source, up to the default value. ``plugins.cpp.load`` Colon-separated list of plugins that should be loaded. (Names do not include prefixes like ``lib`` of suffixes like ``.so`` or ``.dll``) An empty entry (e.g. ``:dots``, ``dots::dots`` or ``dots:``) is replace with the value configured in the respectively more generic configuration source, up to the default value. Configuration Examples: .. code-block:: ini [plugins.cpp] path = /vol/vampire/lib/rsb0.8/plugins:/vol/cor/lib/rsb0.8/plugins load = rsbspread:rsbvampire # no "libX" or filetype suffix like ".so" .. code-block:: sh RSB_PLUGINS_CPP_PATH=/vol/cor/lib/rsb0.8/plugins The default searchpath for C++ :term:`plugins ` is #. :samp:`{HOME}/.rsb{VERSION}/plugins` #. :samp:`{PREFIX}/lib/rsb{VERSION}/plugins` where :samp:`{HOME}` is the home directory of the current user, :samp:`{PREFIX}` is the prefix into which |project| has been installed and :samp:`{VERSION}` are the major and minor components of the current |project| version (|version| for this version). Example: #. :file:`/homes/juser/.rsb0.8/plugins` #. :file:`/usr/lib/rsb0.8/plugins` .. _specification-plugin-python: Python Plugins ============== .. warning:: This section is work in progress. Python :term:`plugins ` are :ref:`modules ` defining functions #. :py:func:`rsbPluginInit` #. :py:func:`rsbPluginShutdown` :term:`Plugins ` are configured via the configuration options ``plugins.python.path`` Colon-separated list of directories which get added to :py:data:`sys.path`? ``plugins.python.load`` Colon-separated list of plugins that should be loaded. .. todo:: default searchpath .. _specification-plugin-java: Java Plugins ============ .. warning:: This section is work in progress. Java :term:`plugins ` are Jar files? :term:`Plugins ` are configured via the configuration options ``plugins.java.path`` TODO ``plugins.java.load`` Colon-separated list of plugins that should be loaded. .. todo:: default searchpath .. _specification-plugin-common-lisp: Common Lisp Plugins =================== .. warning:: This section is work in progress. Common Lisp :term:`plugins ` are ASDF-systems or FASL-bundles? :term:`Plugins ` are configured via the configuration options ``plugins.lisp.path`` Colon-separated list of directories that should be searched for plugins. ``plugins.lisp.load`` Colon-separated list of plugins that should be loaded. .. todo:: default searchpath Implementations =============== =========== ================================================================== Language File(s) =========== ================================================================== C++ *implemented as part of the RSC library* Java *not yet implemented* Python *not yet implemented* Common Lisp *not yet implemented* =========== ==================================================================