

rsb logger [OPTIONS] URI*


The logger participates in the channels designated by URI`s (see :ref:`uri-schema) using one or more transports and displays all events published on the channels using a configurable style.

The usual commandline options, IDL-related options and environment variables are accepted. Specialized commandline options:

--filter SPEC, -f SPEC

Specify a filter that received events have to match in order to be processed rather than discarded. This option can be supplied multiple times in which case events have to match all specified filters. Each SPEC has to be of one of the forms:


where keys and values depend on KIND and may be mandatory in some cases. Examples (note that the single quotes have to be included only when used within a shell)

--filter 'origin "EAEE2B00-AF4B-11E0-8930-001AA0342D7D"'
--filter 'regex ".*foo[0-9]+"'
--filter 'regex :regex ".*foo[0-9]+"' (equivalent)
-f 'xpath :xpath "node()/@foo" :fallback-policy :do-not-match'


Use the common --help-for filter or common --help-for all options to display the full help text for this item.

--style SPEC, -s SPEC

Specify a formatting style that should be used to print events. SPEC has to be of the form:


where keys and values are optional and depend on KIND. Examples (note that the single quotes have to be included only when used within a shell)

--style detailed
-s compact
--style 'compact :separator "|"'
--style 'columns :columns (:now (:scope :width 12) :id :newline)'


Use the common --help-for styles or common --help-for all options to display the full help text for this item.

Use common --help-for columns and common --help-for quantities for explanations of the :columns argument and quantity columns used in the columns and statistics styles.

See formatting for a detailed discussion of event formatting options.

--max-queued-events POSITIVE-INTEGER

Specify the maximum number of events that may be kept in a queue in case processing (usually printing) cannot keep up with the rate of incoming events.

This queue can smooth over bursts of events, but if the sustained rate of incoming events is above the maximum processing speed, it will overflow and an error will be signaled. The behavior in this case can be controlled via common --on-error.


  • $ logger --style detailed /
      Scope  /
      Id     ac5f449c-4aa1-4b03-a9e2-3fac7d38e651
      Type   bytearray
      Origin ab6e3a17-e11f-4c89-8c07-606a009e8439
      Create  2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.802849+??:??
      Send    2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.802950+??:??
      Receive 2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.810332+??:??
      Deliver 2011-Jul-03 12:51:11.810572+??:??
    Payload (bytearray, length 100000)
      0x0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
      0x0017 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
      0x002e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
      0x0045 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...
      Scope  /
      Id     3fd721ef-6e7c-4e81-bd5f-ff215b2b965f
      Type   std::string
      Origin 8e07e02a-0dee-44a2-8926-cc65c0285410
      Create  2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.102403+??:??
      Send    2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.102482+??:??
      Receive 2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.105319+??:??
      Deliver 2011-Jul-03 12:51:20.105404+??:??
    Payload (std::string, length 3)

    In the above example, the C++ version of the logger is instructed to participate in the channel designated by the root scope /. This means that the logger will display all events which are receivable using its configured transports. In this example, the configured transports depend on the RSB configuration file and environment variables.

  • $ ls ~/projects/talk-rsb-data/code/*.proto
    $ rsb logger --style detailed                                     \
                 --load-idl ~/projects/talk-rsb/data/code/Image.proto \
      Scope : /
      Id    : 89064E22-C503-44DA-9C65-9385C29D09A1
      Type  : T
      Origin: ABB03F86-655A-42EE-9D5B-26D34C922A3A
      Create : 2011-07-16T00:28:52.123994+02:00
      Send   : 2011-07-16T00:28:52.124095+02:00
      Receive: 2011-07-16T00:28:52.235294+02:00
      Deliver: 2011-07-16T00:28:52.243197+02:00
      #<IMAGE {1005B10C81}>
        Meta-Data: #<META-DATA {10063AF2B1}>
                     Key  : "foo"
                     Value: "bar"
        Width    : 20
        Height   : 30
        Depths   : 20
        Data     : 01 02 03 04

    In the above example, the Common Lisp version of the logger is used to display protocol buffer event payloads. This only works, if the logger is provided with the protocol buffer IDL definitions of the event payloads it should display (in this example: the running.example.Image message from the slides used in this meeting). These definitions can either be textual definitions, typically found in .proto files (as in this example), or compiled, binary descriptions (not shown).

  • $ rsb logger --idl-path "rst/trunk/rst/proto/sandbox/"   \
                 --idl-path "rst/trunk/rst/proto/stable/"    \
                 --load-idl 'rst/trunk/rst/proto/**/*.proto' \
                 --style detailed                            \

    Here is another example which loads all definitions contained in the Robotics Systems Types repository.


    The --idl-path option for import resolution and wildcards are used to load all definitions at once.

    Loading all definitions takes a few seconds.


Implementation Language Project Repository Link
C++ rsb-tools-cpp “0.12” branch of https://code.cor-lab.org/git/rsb.git.tools-cpp
Common Lisp rsb-tools-cl “0.12” branch of https://code.cor-lab.org/git/rsb.git.tools-cl