.. _tutorial-converters: ========================================= Sending and Receiving Custom Data Types ========================================= .. seealso:: :ref:`tutorial-writing-converters` Writing new :term:`converters ` instead of registering existing ones. :ref:`specification-converters` Detailed description of :term:`converters ` and methods to configure the selection of appropriate instances. In principle, projects using |project| can exchange data of arbitrary types. However, in order to send and receive custom :term:`data types `, |project| has to know how to serialize and deserialize data of these types. This task is performed by :term:`converters `, which transform domain-specific data to a specific :term:`wire type`. The :term:`wire type` is the language-specific data holder (typically a string type) passed to the underlying :term:`transport` mechanism. Each :term:`converter` encodes the payload using a specific :term:`wire schema` that describes the data encoding scheme on the wire. In order to successfully receive :term:`events ` with a specific :term:`wire schema`, appropriate :term:`converters ` need to be available at runtime. While there exist converters for some basic :ref:`data types `, you need to register the :term:`converters ` for your own domain-specific :term:`data types ` by yourself. .. _tutorial-converters-register: Registering Converters ====================== To add a :term:`converter` to the repository, the :term:`converter` object has to be created and the repository object has to be obtained. The following example demonstrates this. .. important:: :term:`Converters ` have to be registered before :term:`participants ` are created. Otherwise, the :term:`participants ` can still be created, but will not use the desired :term:`converters `. In case a :term:`converter` for a :term:`wire schema` is missing, sending operations will throw an exception and receiving operations will fail in the background thread depending on the :ref:`specification-config` entry ``errorhandling.onhandlererror``. .. container:: converter-registration-multi .. container:: converter-registration-python The function :py:func:`rsb.converter.registerGlobalConverter` is used to register new :term:`converters ` (line 26). .. literalinclude:: /../rsb-python/examples/protobuf/registration.py :language: python :start-after: mark-start::body :end-before: mark-end::body :emphasize-lines: 25,26 :linenos: .. note:: In previous versions of |project| the default :term:`participant` configuration had to be recreated after adding a :term:`converter` by calling ``rsb.setDefaultParticipantConfig(rsb.ParticipantConfig.fromDefaultSources())``. This is not required anymore starting with |project| 0.9. Additionally, it is explicitly discouraged now since multiple libraries using this strategy might conflict by erasing :term:`converters ` previously registered by other libraries. Please remove these lines from your existing code. :download:`Download this example ` .. container:: converter-registration-cpp After creating a :term:`converter` object (lines 19 and 20), the template function :cpp:func:`rsb::converter::converterRepository` is used to obtain the :term:`converter` repository (line 21) and register the :term:`converter` object via the :cpp:member:`rsb::converter::Repository::registerConverter` method (line 21). The :cpp:class:`rsb::Factory` is obtained only after the :term:`converter` has been registered, so it can pick up the changed :term:`converter` set (line 25). .. literalinclude:: /../rsb-cpp/examples/protobuf_converter/registration.cpp :language: c++ :start-after: mark-start::body :end-before: mark-end::body :emphasize-lines: 19-21,25 :linenos: :download:`Download this example ` .. container:: converter-registration-java After creating the :term:`converter` object (lines 14 and 15), it is globally registered using the ``rsb.converter.ConverterRepository.addConverter`` method (line 19). The repository is obtained by calling ``rsb.converter.DefaultConverterRepository.getDefaultConverterRepository`` (line 18). .. literalinclude:: /../rsb-java/examples/tutorial/protobuf/RegistrationExample.java :language: java :start-after: mark-start::body :end-before: mark-end::body :emphasize-lines: 14-15,18-19 :linenos: :download:`Download this example ` .. container:: converter-registration-cl .. note:: In Common Lisp, the mechanism is quite different; will be documented later. .. .. literalinclude:: /../rsb-cl/examples/protocol-buffers/sender.lisp :language: cl :start-after: mark-start::body :end-before: mark-end::body :emphasize-lines: 1 :linenos: