.. _troubleshooting: =============== Troubleshooting =============== .. seealso:: :ref:`support` If this page doesn't help .. _troubleshooting-spread-does-not-work: Spread Does not Work ==================== Problem *(applies to C++, Python)* Communication over :term:`Spread` does not work anymore. :term:`Spread` settings are ignored. Solution #. :term:`Spread` :term:`plugin` *(applies to C++)* .. seealso:: :ref:`specification-plugin` Specification of |project| plugins Starting with version 0.9, the C++ implementation does no longer include the :term:`Spread`-based :term:`transport` in the |project| core. Instead, the :term:`transport` is available as a :term:`plugin` which has to be loaded explicitly. This can, for example, be done by including the following fragment in one of the |project| :ref:`configuration files ` |system_config_file|, |user_config_file| or |pwd_config_file|: .. code-block:: ini [plugins.cpp] load = rsbspread #. :ref:`Configuration` Starting with version 0.7, |project| uses a :term:`transport` that implements a :ref:`custom TPC-based protocol ` to facilitate the easy use of the framework without dependencies on 3rd party libraries. In order to restore the previous behavior of using the :term:`Spread` :term:`transport`, the configuration needs to be changed. This can be changed in three ways: #. Globally for all |project| programs (or running under a particular UNIX user) Create or modify a |project| :ref:`configuration file ` |system_config_file| or |user_config_file| to contain the following lines: .. code-block:: ini :linenos: [transport.spread] enabled = 1 [transport.socket] enabled = 0 Lines 3 and 4 can be omitted to enable both :term:`transports ` in parallel. .. note:: On windows it might be necessary to also set ``host = localhost`` and ``port = 4803`` explicitly in the :term:`Spread` :term:`transport` section. #. Locally for the current directory Create a |project| :ref:`configuration file ` |pwd_config_file| with the same contents as described above. #. For the current shell Set and export :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SPREAD_ENABLED` and :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SOCKET_ENABLED` :ref:`environment variables ` as follows: .. code-block:: sh $ export RSB_TRANSPORT_SPREAD_ENABLED=1 $ export RSB_TRANSPORT_SOCKET_ENABLED=0 .. _troubleshooting-configuring-the-tcp-based-transport: Configuring the TCP-based Transport =================================== Problem *(applies to C++,Common Lisp,Python)* How can I :ref:`configure ` the TCP-based :term:`transport`? Solution The TCP-based :term:`transport` can be :ref:`configured ` locally or globally by placing the following content in |system_config_file|, |user_config_file| or |pwd_config_file|: .. code-block:: ini [transport.socket] enabled = 1 host = HOSTNAME port = 4444 server = auto :samp:`{HOSTNAME}` can be ``localhost`` (if all processes are going to run on the same node), a hostname or an IP address. .. note:: The above configuration uses ``server = auto`` which causes the initial |project| process to create the specified server and subsequent processes to connect to that server, see :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SOCKET_SERVER`. .. _troubleshooting-linker-errors-at-runtime: Linker Errors at Runtime ======================== Problem *(applies to C++)* I compiled and installed successfully, but |project| binaries/libraries produce linker errors at runtime. Solution The C++ implementation of |project| is built without fixed `rpath `_ by default. As a result, installed |project| binaries and libraries do not contain information regarding the location of their dependencies. This potentially causes runtime linking to fail because the dependencies cannot be located. There are two possible solutions: #. Building and installing |project| with fixed rpath This can be achieved by configuring |project| with .. code-block:: sh $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=TRUE This instructs `CMake`_ to set the rpath of installed libraries and executables to the values used for building them. Normally the rpath is stripped at installation time. #. Use of the :envvar:`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable When the value of :envvar:`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` contains the directory/directories into which |project| (and its dependencies) have been installed, these dependencies can be located at runtime. :envvar:`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` can be set, for example, like this: .. code-block:: sh $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=PREFIX/lib where :samp:`{PREFIX}` is the prefix directory into which |project| and its dependencies have been installed. .. warning:: This workaround is not permanent and has to be repeated for each new shell that should be able to execute |project| binaries or |project|-based programs. .. _troubleshooting-spread-warning-in-tools: Spread Warning in Tools ======================= Problem *(applies to Common Lisp)* When I start any of the :ref:`tools`, the following happens: .. code-block:: sh $ logger socket://localhost:7777 WARNING: Failed to load Spread library: Unable to load any of the alternatives: ("libspread-without-signal-blocking.so" "libspread.so" "libspread.so.2" "libspread.so.2.0" "libspread.so.1"). Did you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? Spread transport will now be disabled. [execution continues, but Spread transport does not work] Solution Place one of the mentioned :term:`Spread` libraries (typically :file:`libspread.so.2.0`) on the system library search path or set :envvar:`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` appropriately. .. _troubleshooting-missing-converters: Missing Converters ================== .. seealso:: :ref:`tutorial-converters-register` Registering additional :term:`converters ` Problem *(applies to all implementations)* When a :term:`listener` in my component receives certain :term:`events `, it crashes and complains about missing :term:`converters `. For example like this: .. parsed-literal:: $ ./myconponent [...] terminate called after throwing an instance of '\ :cpp:class:`rsc::runtime::NoSuchObject`\ ' what(): No :term:`converter` for :term:`wire-schema ` or :term:`data-type ` \`.rst.vision.Image'. Available :term:`converters `: { bool: \*rsb::converter::BoolConverter[wireType = std::string, wireSchema = bool, dataType = bool] at 0x9d0b80 [...] } Solution There can be several solutions to this problem. #. The :term:`listener` could receive unexpected :term:`events `. This can be diagnosed using the :ref:`logger `. If the :term:`listener` does indeed receive unexpected :term:`events `, the problem can be fixed by letting the offending :term:`informer` or the :term:`listener` itself operate on a different :term:`scope`. #. The :term:`converter` configuration could be wrong. If the :term:`listener` only receives expected :term:`events `, it may be missing a suitable converter. This problem can be solved by registering a suitable :term:`converter`. Registering a :term:`converter` may be achieved by loading a :term:`plugin`. #. The :term:`converter` registration could happen after the :term:`listener` has already been created. In that case, the :term:`listener` would use the "old" set of :term:`converters `. .. _troubleshooting-polymorphic-informers: Polymorphic Informers ===================== Problem *(applies to C++)* I thought it is possible, to send different :term:`data types ` through the same :term:`informer`. However, I get this error (also using :cpp:class:`rsb::InformerBase`) .. parsed-literal:: terminate called after throwing an instance of '\ :cpp:class:`std::invalid_argument`\ ' what(): Specified :term:`event` type :samp:`{PAYLOAD-TYPE}` does not match :term:`informer` type :samp:`{INFORMER-TYPE}`. Aborted (core dumped) .. note:: In the actual error message, :samp:`{PAYLOAD-TYPE}` and :samp:`{INFORMER-TYPE}` would be the :term:`data type` of the :term:`payload` attempted to send and the specified :term:`data type` of the :term:`informer` respectively. Solution This can be achieved by specifying the pseudo-type :cpp:class:`rsb::AnyType` as the :term:`data type` of the created :term:`informer`: .. literalinclude:: /../rsb-cpp/examples/informer/anyInformer.cpp :language: c++ :lines: 49-57 :emphasize-lines: 51-21 :linenos: .. note:: In all other |project| implementations, this kind of :term:`informer` can be created by specifying a builtin supertype such as ``Object`` (Java), ``object`` (Python) or ``t`` (Common Lisp) as the :term:`data type` of the :term:`informer`. .. _troubleshooting-multiple-rpc-arguments: Multiple Arguments in RPC Calls =============================== .. seealso:: :ref:`tutorial-rpc` Examples about using remote procedure calls :ref:`specification-request-reply` Specification of remote procedure calls Problem *(applies to all implementations)* I would like to :ref:`call an RPC method ` with two :term:`payloads `. |project| seems to only support a single argument in RPC calls, so what is the most elegant way to do this? Solution Currently, |project| only supports a single :term:`payload` for each :term:`event`. Since RPC calls are implemented in terms of :term:`events `, the same limitation applies. As a consequence, multiple arguments for a method call have to be collected into a single :term:`payload`. Assuming `Google Protocol Buffers`_ are used and the method in question should have the signature ``add(ComplexNumber, ComplexNumber)``, a definition like the following could be used: .. code-block:: protobuf message AdditionRequest { required ComplexNumber x = 1; required ComplexNumber y = 2; } For Python, the code implementing this method would then be .. code-block:: python def add(request): result = ComplexNumber() result.real = request.x.real + request.y.real result.imag = request.x.imag + request.y.imag return result server.addMethod('add', add) .. _troubleshooting-no-handler-for-logger: A Message about no Handlers being found appears =============================================== Problem *(applies to Python)* When I import the :py:mod:`rst` or :py:mod:`rstsandbox` module, a message like:: No handlers could be found for logger "rstsandbox" appears. Am I doing something wrong? Solution Everything is fine. The output is produced by Python's :py:mod:`logging` module when logging has not been configured. |project| uses this module to log messages. If you find these messages annoying, add the following code fragment to your program: .. code-block:: python import logging logging.basicConfig(level = logging.WARNING) See :py:func:`logging.basicConfig` for more configuration options. .. _troubleshooting-tcp-transport-java-bind: Java Programs using the Socket Transport do not communicate with other Languages ================================================================================ Problem *(applies to Java)* :term:`Events ` sent from a Java |project| process using the socket :term:`transport` are not received by |project| processes written in other languages or vice versa. Solution The Java runtime sometime prefers bind sockets to IPv6 addresses even if IPv4 addresses are specified. This seems to be an internal behavior of the Java runtime. Other |project| implementations use IPv4 addresses by default. As a consequence, Java operates on IPv6 and the other languages on IPv4 and connections cannot be established. To force Java to use IPv4, specify the following JVM property (e.g. on the commandline) for |project| Java programs: .. parsed-literal:: -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true .. _troubleshooting-socket-auto-mode-multiple-machines: I cannot make the Socket Transport with "auto" Mode work across multiple Machines ================================================================================= Problem *(applies to all implementations)* I want to connect processes on two or more machines and use the "auto" mode of the socket :term:`transport` with a :ref:`configuration ` like this: .. code-block:: ini [transport.socket] hostname = SOMEHOST server = auto where :samp:`{SOMEHOST}` is the name of one of the hosts or ``localhost``. If I start my processes in a particular order, communication sometimes works, but generally I only get failed connection attempts. Solution The "auto" mode of the :ref:`socket ` :term:`transport` is intended to be used with simple setups confined to a single computer. It can be used to make such setups "just work". For other setups, it is only usable with severe restrictions and should probably be avoided. If you want to connect processes across multiple machines: * Consider switching to the :term:`Spread` :term:`transport` if you want to connect very many processes or restart all processes arbitrarily. * If you want to use the :ref:`socket ` :term:`transport` #. Determine one particular process that should always act as the server. This can also be an additional process like the :ref:`logger`. Note that this choice can impact the performance of your setup very much. * :ref:`Configure ` this (and only this) process to act as server (for example using the environment variable :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SOCKET_SERVER`). * Leave this process running all the time. #. Configure all other processes to act as clients, for example with this :ref:`configuration ` snippet .. code-block:: ini [transport.socket] hostname = THE-SERVER-HOST server = 0 #. You can add client processes or restart them arbitrarily and also share the above configuration among all client processes. .. _troubleshooting-number-of-spread-daemons: How many Spread Daemons do I need? ================================== Problem *(applies to all implementations)* I want to have multiple processes communicate using the :term:`Spread` :term:`transport`. Do I need this :term:`Spread daemon` and if so, how many instances do I have to start and on which machines? I heard that running multiple :term:`Spread daemons ` can even cause severe network problems. Solution First of all, :term:`Spread daemons ` really can cause severe network problems when configured incorrectly. We therefore recommend to always start with a single :term:`Spread daemon` using the default configuration unless a different setup is absolutely necessary. Beyond this simple advice, unfortunately, there are several different possibilities for setting up one or more :term:`Spread daemons `. In any case, you always need at least one :term:`Spread daemon`. If all processes run on a single machine, you can start a single :term:`Spread daemon` using the default configuration like this: .. parsed-literal:: $ :samp:`{SPREAD_INSTALL_PREFIX}/sbin/spread` -n localhost This is a simple and safe configuration and should already cover many simple setups. If multiple computers are involved, a single :term:`Spread daemon` with the above configuration may still be sufficient since it can be contacted by clients on remote hosts (see :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SPREAD_HOST`). However, this configuration may not achieve the best performance the :term:`Spread` framework is capable of. If you need better performance and thus more sophisticated configurations, consult the :term:`Spread` documentation or write to the |project| `mailing list `_.