.. _timesync: ========== Timesync ========== .. program:: timesync Synopsis ======== :samp:`rsb_timesync {[OPTIONS]}` Description =========== Synchronizes :term:`events ` on several :term:`scopes ` in an |project|-based system based on their timestamps. Imagine e.g. a situation in which a vision algorithm produces some features based on images and another algorithm extracts auditory features from an audio stream. Both send their results as |project| :term:`events ` but the :term:`events ` are not temporally associated because they originate from separate sources (in this case :term:`participants `). This becomes a problem when a third module wants to process :term:`events ` from both sources, synchronized by their timestamps. This program can be configured to receive :term:`events ` from both sources, synchronize them and emit an :term:`event` which contains associated original :term:`events `. This way modules interested in multiple streams are freed from the task of synchronizing :term:`events `. .. note:: If the external program with network communication creates too much overhead, the algorithms can also be used inside C++ programs in form of a shared library. .. option:: --outscope SCOPE Specifies the :term:`scope` on which synchronized :term:`events ` are emitted. .. option:: --primscope SCOPE Specifies the a :term:`scope` which should be used for input :term:`events `. This option must appear one time as for some synchronization strategies one :term:`scope` has a special primary role compared to other :term:`scopes `. .. option:: --supscope SCOPE Additional :term:`scopes ` to use for input :term:`events ` to synchronize. .. note:: Currently, there is no specified behavior of what should happen when an :term:`event` on a :term:`subscope` of a configured :term:`scope` arrives. Strategies may treat this as an error or continue processing as if the :term:`event` was received on the :term:`superscope` that was configured. .. option:: --strategy NAME Valid names: ``approxt``, ``firstmatch``, ``timeframe`` The strategy to use for synchronizing the :term:`events ` received on the primary and supplemental :term:`scopes `. For a description of available strategies refer to `Algorithms`_. There, additional options for each strategy are explained. .. option:: --timestamp SPEC The timestamps to use for synchronizing. Possible values are * ``rsb::create`` * ``rsb::send`` * ``rsb::receive`` * ``rsb::deliver`` * Names of user timestamps Multiple timestamps can be specified separated by ',', e.g.:: fooTime,rsb::create This specifies the priority to take timestamps with but allows missing user timestamps with the next item in the list as a fallback. Default: ``rsb::create`` Algorithms ========== ApproximateTime Implements http://www.ros.org/wiki/message_filters/ApproximateTime. In brief, emits :term:`events ` where for each configured :term:`scope` exactly one :term:`event` is present. Minimizes distance between the earliest and the latest :term:`event` in each result :term:`event` while preserving some other conditions. .. option:: --approxt-qs SIZE The queue size to use, default is 2 FirstMatch Emits :term:`events ` where for each configured stream one :term:`event` is present by using the first received :term:`event` on each stream after each emitted result :term:`event`. .. warning:: Only for testing purposes - Probably not usable at all. TimeFrame Associates multiple :term:`events ` from subsidiary :term:`scopes ` to one :term:`event` of the primary :term:`scope` by selecting all :term:`events ` from the subsidiary :term:`scope` that are close to the time of the primary :term:`event` (a delta needs to be specified). Currently, does not prevent that one subsidiary :term:`event` is present for several primary :term:`events `. .. option:: --timeframe-timeframe TIME Allowed time frame to associate in microseconds in both directions of time. Default: 250000 .. option:: --timeframe-buffer TIME Buffer time in microseconds. This is the time between now and ``rsb::create`` timestamp of the primary :term:`event` (or the timestamp selected via the command line option) which is waited until the :term:`event` is sent out with all synchronizable other :term:`events `. Default: 500000 Implementations =============== ======================= ============= ================================ Implementation Language Project Repository Link ======================= ============= ================================ C++ rsb-tools-cpp |repository_versioned_tools_cpp| ======================= ============= ================================