.. _specification-config: =============== Configuration =============== The configuration mechanism in |project| is based on the following principles: * The configuration mechanism works identically across implementation languages * We cannot (and do not want) to handle configuration of individual :term:`participants `: * The configuration mechanism is intended to provide process-wide defaults. * :term:`Participants ` that require individual configurations have to be configured programmatically. * Configuration options are obtained from multiple configuration sources: * `Configuration files`_ * `Environment variables`_ .. * `Commandline options`_ * Configuration options are organized in a tree of `name-value pairs`_ Name-value Pairs ================ .. seealso:: :ref:`Specification of inprocess Transport ` Options accepted by the inprocess :term:`transport`. :ref:`Specification of Spread-based Transport ` Options accepted by the :term:`Spread` :term:`transport`. :ref:`Specification of TCP-socket-based Transport ` Options accepted by the TCP-socket-based :term:`transport`. Option names consist of multiple components which are specified in configuration-source-dependent syntax. For example, in `configuration files`_ section names like ``[transport.spread]`` are concatenated with names of contained options like ``port`` to obtain ``transport.spread.port``. For `environment variables`_, the name :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SPREAD_PORT` is mapped to ``transport.spread.port``. Currently the following option tree is defined (uppercase option name components are placeholders, :samp:`{LANGUAGE}` refers to the implementation language, e.g. ``cpp``, ``java``, etc.) .. parsed-literal:: Name Type Comment ---- ---- ------- + qualityofservice +-- reliability { UNRELIABLE, RELIABLE } +-- ordering { UNORDERED, ORDERED } + errorhandling +-- onhandlererror { LOG, PRINT, EXIT } + plugins +-- :samp:`{LANGUAGE}` +---- path list of strings +---- load list of strings + transport +-- :samp:`{NAME}` # +---- enabled bool # +---- :samp:`{TRANSPORT_SPECIFIC_OPTION}` ? # Subtree is valid +---- converter # for all transports +------ :samp:`{LANGUAGE}` # +-------- :samp:`{WIRE-SCHEMA}` string # Effective Configuration ======================= Configuration sources are processed in the following order such that options from sources which are processed later take precedence over options from sources which are processed earlier: #. Start with **Global Defaults** #. Merge with **Config Files** ("Merge 3"), being the result of: #. Start with **System Config** file |system_config_file| #. Merge with **User Config** file |user_config_file| ("Merge 1") #. Merge with **Current Directory Config** file |pwd_config_file| ("Merge 2") #. Merge with :ref:`options supplied via environment variables ` ("Merge 4") #. Merge with :ref:`programatically supplied options ` ("Merge 6") .. #. Merge with :ref:`commandline options ` ("Merge 5") #. Merge with :ref:`options supplied via URI ` ("Merge 7") .. digraph:: configuration_processing :caption: Computation of effective transport configuration. In merges, solid arrows indicate precedence over dashed arrows. fontname=Arial fontsize=11 node [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] edge [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] node [shape = box] subgraph cluster_global_defaults { label = "Global Defaults" global_transports [label="options"] } subgraph cluster_config_files { label = "Config Files" system_config [label="System Config\ne.g. /etc/rsb.conf"] user_config [label="User Config\ne.g. $HOME/.config/rsb.conf"] pwd_config [label="Current Dir. Config\ne.g. $(pwd)/rsb.conf"] subgraph cluster_config_merge_1 { label = "Merge 1" style = "rounded,filled" config_1_options [label = "options", fillcolor = "white", style="filled"] } system_config -> config_1_options [style="dashed"] user_config -> config_1_options subgraph cluster_config_merge_2 { label = "Merge 2" style = "rounded,filled" config_2_options [label = "options", fillcolor = "white", style="filled"] } config_1_options -> config_2_options [style="dashed"] pwd_config -> config_2_options config_2_options [label="options"] /* config_transports [label="options"] */ /* config_2_options -> config_transports */ } subgraph cluster_step_3 { label = "Merge 3" style = "rounded,filled" step_3_options [label = "options", fillcolor = "white", style="filled"] } global_transports -> step_3_options [style="dashed"] config_2_options -> step_3_options subgraph cluster_environment_variables_options { label = "Environment Variables" environment_options [label="options"] } subgraph cluster_step_4 { label = "Merge 4" style = "rounded,filled" step_4_options [label = "options", fillcolor = "white", style="filled"] } step_3_options -> step_4_options [style="dashed"] environment_options -> step_4_options /* subgraph cluster_commandline_options { label = "Commandline" commandline_options [label="options"] } subgraph cluster_step_5 { label = "Merge 5" style = "rounded,filled" step_5_options [label = "options", fillcolor = "white", style="filled"] } step_4_options -> step_5_options [style="dashed"] commandline_options -> step_5_options */ subgraph cluster_programmatic_options { label = "Programmatic Options" programmatic_options [label="options"] } subgraph cluster_step_6 { label = "Merge 6" style = "rounded,filled" step_6_options [label = "options", fillcolor = "white", style="filled"] } step_4_options -> step_6_options [style="dashed"] programmatic_options -> step_6_options /* subgraph cluster_uri { label = "URI" uri_schema [label="schema"] host port options uri_transports [label=transports] uri_schema -> uri_transports } subgraph cluster_step_7 { label = "Merge 7" style = "rounded,filled" step_7_options [label = "options", fillcolor = "white", style="filled"] } step_6_options -> step_7_options [style="dashed"] uri_transports -> step_7_options */ .. note:: On Windows the configuration file is located at ``%userprofile%\.config\rsb.conf``. Sources ======= The following sections briefly explain the currently defined configuration sources. .. _specification-config-files: Configuration Files ------------------- Configuration files use the following syntax, which is similar to `INI-files `_ or `desktop-files `_ * Comments are initiated by the ``#`` character and extend to the end of the current line * After removing comments, all lines have to be of one of the following forms: * empty * :samp:`[{NAME}]` where :samp:`NAME` consists of alphanumeric characters and colons * :samp:`{NAME} = {VALUE}` where :samp:`NAME` consists of alphanumeric characters * Double quotes (``"``) can be used in :samp:`{NAME}` to avoid splitting at ``.`` characters. E.g ``[transport."socket.new"]`` would interpreted as the section name ``(transport, socket.new)``. Here is an example: .. code-block:: ini [qualityofservice] reliability = UNRELIABLE ordering = UNORDERED [errorhandling] onhandlererror = LOG [transport.spread] host = localhost port = 4803 enabled = 1 # this is the default [spread.converter.cpp] image = IplImage # wire-schema = data-type [transport.inprocess] foo = barbar factor = 1.5 enabled = 1 [plugins.cpp] path = /vol/vampire/lib:/vol/cor/lib load = rsbspread:rsbvampire # no filetype suffix Please note that only files with the platform's respective line endings are supported (i.e. ``\n`` on Linux and ``\r\n`` on Windows). .. _specification-config-environment-variables: Environment Variables --------------------- Environment variables are processed according to the following rules: #. Variables whose names start with ``RSB_`` are processed #. The ``RSB_`` prefix is stripped form the name #. To obtain the name of the corresponding option, the remainder of the name is converted to lower case and split at ``_`` characters Examples: * :envvar:`RSB_PLUGINS_CPP_LOAD` -> ``plugins.cpp.load`` * :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SPREAD_PORT` -> ``transport.spread.port`` .. .. _specification-config-commandline-options: Commandline Options (TODO this was a section but sections cannot appear in comments) Commandline options are processed according to the following rules: #. Options whose names start with ``rsb-`` are processed #. Language-specific name components (such as ``plugins.cpp.load``) are dropped. For example, the option named ``plugin.cpp.load`` corresponds to the ``--rsb-plugins-load`` commandline option #. Components are joined with/strings are split at ``-`` characters Examples: * :option:`--rsb-plugins-load` -> ``plugins.cpp.load`` * :option:`--rsb-transport-spread-port` -> ``transport.spread.port`` .. _specification-config-programmatic-options: Programmatic Options -------------------- Please have a look at the API documentation for ParticipantConfig (C++, Python) or Properties (Java). Links to the API documentation can be found in the left sidebar. .. .. _specification-config-uri-options: URI Options Example and Test Case ===================== Consider the following situation: * Contents of |user_config_file| .. code-block:: ini [transport.spread] host = azurit port = 5301 * Contents of |pwd_config_file| .. code-block:: ini [transport.spread] host = localhost * Environment Variables :envvar:`RSB_TRANSPORT_SPREAD_PORT` = ``4444`` This should result in the following effective option values: * ``transport.spread.host = localhost`` * ``transport.spread.port = 4444`` Implementations =============== =========== ============================================= Language File(s) =========== ============================================= C++ |repository_versioned| rsb-cpp/src/rsb/ Java |repository_versioned| rsb-java/src/rsb/ Python :download:`/../rsb-python/rsb/__init__.py` Common Lisp :download:`/../rsb-cl/src/configuration.lisp` =========== =============================================