RSB  0.19.0
Todo List
Module internal repository implementation
somehow find out if we can get rid of all the void pointer handling. right now I am missing a replacement of reinterpret_cast for shared_ptrs. The underlying problem is that Converter uses references and hence no Repository<void> can be declared as a polymorphic base type for the generic handling by name
Module internal repository implementation
somehow find out if we can get rid of all the void pointer handling. right now I am missing a replacement of reinterpret_cast for shared_ptrs. The underlying problem is that Converter uses references and hence no Repository<void> can be declared as a polymorphic base type for the generic handling by name
Module internal repository implementation
somehow find out if we can get rid of all the void pointer handling. right now I am missing a replacement of reinterpret_cast for shared_ptrs. The underlying problem is that Converter uses references and hence no Repository<void> can be declared as a polymorphic base type for the generic handling by name
Class rsb::eventprocessing::OutRouteConfigurator
add configuration, provide preliminary set up interface
Class rsb::filter::FilterObserver
Check if Double Dispatch pattern is best suited here
Class rsb::Listener
use templates in subscriptions only? (however, they need the event info)