
Installing Rosetta Stone

There are currently two ways to install the 0.5 version of Rosetta Stone:

  • Binary downloads (only for tools)
  • Debian packages
  • From source

Binary Downloads of Rosetta Stone Tools

  1. Download the rosetta binary from the appropriate location:

  2. After the download, the rosetta file has to be made executable in most cases. This can be done for example by executing

    chmod +x rosetta

    in the download directory.

  3. The various tools are provided as symbolic links to the single rosetta binary. When invoked, it prints a list of these links and offers to create them:

    $ ./rosetta
    Create missing links now [yes/no]? y
    Creating symbolic link info -> rosseta


    The links can also be created as follows:


    $ ./rosetta create-links


    $ for alias in info bridge compiler ; do ln -s rosetta ${alias} ; done

From Source

Supported Lisp Implementations

Currently, only recent versions (e.g. 1.0.55 or newer) of SBCL are fully supported.

Required Infrastructure

  • ASDF is used for compilation, loading and dependency management
  • Quicklisp is used for installation of dependencies

External Dependencies

System Required Obtainable From
alexandria yes Quicklisp
split-sequence yes Quicklisp
iterate yes Quicklisp
metabang-bind yes Quicklisp
bordeaux-threads yes Quicklisp
closer-mop yes Quicklisp
log5 yes Quicklisp
puri yes Quicklisp
uuid yes Quicklisp
local-time yes Quicklisp
cl-hooks yes Quicklisp
cl-dynamic-classes yes 0.5 branch of


  1. Download other required systems:

    • cl-hooks

      bzr branch lp:cl-hooks
  2. The whole source tree of Rosetta Stone can be obtained from the repository located at 0.5 branch of

  3. Load cl-rosetta with Quicklisp to pull in remaining dependencies

    (ql:quickload :cl-rosetta)

Debian Packages

Debian packages for several versions of Ubuntu GNU/Linux are available from the CoR-Lab package repository.

  1. The following repository source line has to be added to /etc/apt/sources.list:

    deb RELEASENAME testing

    where RELEASENAME is the appropriate Ubuntu release name.

  2. After that, packages can be installed via

    $ sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAMES

    where PACKAGENAMES is a subset of rosetta-cl0.5, rosetta-tools-cl0.5.


This installation method only works with Ubuntu GNU/Linux.


More information can be found here.


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