.. _glossary: ========== Glossary ========== .. glossary:: data type In the context of the |project| project, data types are characterized by abstract structure descriptions (but neither specific layout in memory, nor associated behavior). :term:`mechanism` s describe ways of (de)serializing data types from/to e.g. patterns of octets (i.e. :term:`wire-schema` s). data holder Classes whose primary purpose consists in "holding" data (as opposed to exhibiting a specific behavior). In the |project| context, generated code often centers around such classes. mechanism Abstract notion of a serialization mechanism. Describes the transformations from instances of abstract data types to/from sequences of octets. Concrete mechanism implementations usually (de)serialize :term:`data holder` s for a specific programming language. wire-schema A specific structure of octets produced and consumed by serialization :term:`mechanism` s.