
Doubles is the most unspecific Data Transfer Object (DTO) in RCI to simply hold a set of double-precision values with no semantic information.

You should always try to avoid using this and instead use more specific DTOs. Using Doubles doesn’t provide any help for users of your applciation, where using mores specific DTOs provides helper methods and holds information about units, etc.


// Creating and accessing a three dimensional Doubles object
rci::DoublesPtr double = rci::Doubles::create(3, 1.11);
std::cout << double->print() << std::endl; // Doubles<1.11, 1.11, 1.11>(unspecified)

// Creating and accessing a joint angles vector
nemo::RealVector values = nemo::RealVector(nemo::dim(4), 10.0);
double = rci::Doubles::create(values);
std::cout << doubles->print() << std::endl; // Doubles<10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0>(unspecified)


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